Invalid column name 'oldid'.
List of steps
(Total number of steps: 84)
Meet with Binh Dinh Department of Investment and Planning (DPI)
Obtain outlined cadastral map of land site  (2)
Obtain certified copies of documents  (2)
Obtain consular-legalized copies of foreign documents  (3)
Obtain certified translation of documents  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of passports or Vietnamese ID cards  (2)
Obtain approval of investment intent  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of investment intent approval  (2)
Obtain investment certificate  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of investment certificate  (2)
Obtain enterprise registration Certificate (ERC)  (2)
Announce enterprise registration content and notify use of seal sample  (2)
Obtain certificate of tax registration  (2)
Open bank account  (1)
Obtain sectional cadastral map of the land plot  (3)
Obtain approval of land lease intention  (2)
Obtain district people's committee's decisions on land recovery  (9)
Obtain planning license  (4)
Obtain approval of 1/500 scale construction designing plan  (4)
Obtain authenticated copies of approval of 1/500 scale construction designing plan  (2)
Obtain approval of land lease  (3)
Obtain approval of land site boundary  (2)
Obtain land lease contract and land use right certificate  (4)
Obtain authenticated copies of land use rights certificate  (2)
Obtain approval of environment impact assessment report  (5)
Obtain evaluation of conceptual plans  (8)
Obtain approval of fire prevention and fighting plan  (2)
Obtain evaluation of detailed construction plans  (4)
Obtain construction permit  (4)

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Check status of application
(last modified: 10/4/2015)
This step is optional

Expected results

Additional information

With the journal number, investors can log in the National Business Registration Portal to check the status of application at the following site:
Investors will be notified in writing of declination of the application or additional documents or editing of the application dossier if the application dossier is insufficient.
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