Principle agreement for land reservation (original)
Authenticated copy of investment certificate (an authentic copy)
Passport or Vietnamese ID card of legal representative of new company (original)
For verification and photocopying
Time frame
Waiting time in queue:
Min. 5mn - Max. 10mn
Attention at counter:
Min. 1h - Max. 2h
Legal justification
Land Law No.45/2013/QH13 dated 29/11/2013 by the National Assembly No.13
Article 149.2
Decree 43/2014/ND-CP dated 15/05/2014 by the Government specifying the enforcement of a number of provision of the Land Law 45/2013/QH13
Article 51.2
Additional information
The 20% advance installment of contract value has been made following the signing of land reservation agreement. After signing this contract, investor will have to make final payment of the balance. Once bank transaction is shown in the infrastructure company's bank account, the company will advise investor of date and time for on-site boundary approval.