Sectional cadastral map (Simple copy)
Land use rights certificate (Simple copy)
Legal justification
Law on Construction No.16/2003/QH11 dated 26/11/2003 by the National Assembly No.11
articles 54.2.a, 56.1, 57.1, 57.2, 62.1.b
Law 38/2009/QH12 dated 19/06/2009 amending and supplementing some provisions of laws relating to captial construction projects
Article 1.1
Decree 12/2009/ND-CP dated 12/02/2009 by the Government regarding management of construction projects
articles 13.1.b, 36
Additional information
Refer to article 13.1.b of Decree 12/2009/ND-CP on construction project management to see if your construction project only needs a one-step construction designing.
Investors are eligible for producing construction plans themselves if they employ or deploy sufficient qualified architects and civil engineers in accordance with Article 36 of Decree 12/2009/ND-CP on management of construction projects. Otherwise, they have to outsource for the production of construction plans, in which case costs will incur.