Invalid column name 'oldid'.
List of steps
(Total number of steps: 41)
Meet with Binh Dinh Economic Zone Administration (BEZA)
Obtain principle agreement for land reservation  (1)
Obtain certified copies of documents  (2)
Obtain consular-legalized copies of foreign documents  (3)
Obtain certified translation of documents  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of passports or Vietnamese ID cards  (2)
Obtain investment registration Certificate  (2)
Obtain authenticated copies of the investment registration Certificate  (2)
Obtain enterprise registration Certificate  (2)
Announce enterprise registration and seal specimen on National Business Registration Portal  (2)
Obtain certificate of tax registration  (2)
Open bank account  (1)
Obtain approval of 1/500-scaled detailed plannning  (5)
Obtain land lease contract and certificate of land use rights  (5)
Obtain authenticated copies of land use rights certificate  (2)
Obtain approval of environment protection plan  (3)
Obtain construction permit  (5)

Preview & Print

Submit application for consular legalization
(last modified: 9/20/2015)

Timeframe ( ver detalles )

Espera hasta paso siguiente

25 mn  -  2h 30 mn
1 day  -  5 days

Contact details

Entity in charge

Department of External Relations-Ho Chi Minh City (DER)

6 Alexandre De Rhodes, District One , Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: +84 8 382 242 24/+84 8 382 230 55

Unit in charge

Section for Consular Affairs

Mon: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Tue: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Wed: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Thu: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Fri: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Sat: 07:45-11:15

Person in charge

Ms Nguyen Thi Ngoc Chau

Reception Officer
Tel: +84 8 382 24224, ext.420

Expected results

Consular legalization application receipt 01 - Consular legalization application receipt


Individual investor Corporate investor
For all types of investors
1. Complete online application form
Complete online application form
Prior to any submission of consular legalization application, follow the instruction of the website page to complete your online application form to obtain a "Registration code" and an"Authentication code" for your application.
This online application form and code has to be printed and presented at the counter.
2. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Passport or Vietnamese ID card of person submitting the application (original + Simple copy)
For individual investors
1. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Certified copies of bank statement (original + Simple copy)
The copy is to be kept at Consular Department.
2. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
English or Vietnamese version of consular-certified bank statement (Simple copy)
if document is not in either of these languages. The translator must take responsibility by signing on the translation and providing personal info (full name, ID/Passport number, address, phone) and agree to a statement which will attest to the accuracy and the integrity of the total translation. The copy is to be kept at Consular Department.
For corporate investors
1. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Certified copies of certificate of incorporation (Simple copy + an authentic copy)
The copy is to be kept by Consular Department.
2. English or Vietnamese version of consular-certified certificate of incorporation
English or Vietnamese version of consular-certified certificate of incorporation (Simple copy)
if document is not in either of these languages. The translator must take responsibility by signing on the translation and providing personal info (full name, ID/Passport number, address, phone) and agree to a statement which will attest to the accuracy and the integrity of the total translation. The copy is to be kept at Consular Department.
3. Consular-certified latest financial report
Consular-certified latest financial report (original + Simple copy)
The copy is to be kept by Consular Department.
4. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
English or Vietnamese version of consular-certified latest financial report (Simple copy)
if document is not in either of these languages. The translator must take responsibility by signing on the translation and providing personal info (full name, ID/Passport number, address, phone) and agree to a statement which will attest to the accuracy and the integrity of the total translation. The copy is to be kept at Consular Department.
If the application is sent via courier, additional documents as follows are required
1. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Passport or Vietnamese ID card of person applying for consular legalization (Simple copy)
2. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Consulate authentication fee
3. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Two envelopes
1 enclosed with consular legalization fee and fee for returning dossier by post in accordance with regulations of post company . 1 is stamped and has recipient's address written on. Note: individual or organization wants to submit dossier by post may contact with post express company of EMS ( or call: 8.38458999 for more information.

Time frame

  • (i) By law, time limit for settlement of dossier is 01 working day as from the date that the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives complete and valid application file. For a dossier comprising 10 or more papers and documents, the time limit for settlement may be longer but must not exceed 5 working days. The expected date to receive the result shall be indicated in the Receipt of application file.
  • (ii) In case of necessity of checking the authentication of seal, signature, title in papers and documents, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may require to present original relevant papers and documents and supplement a simple copy of the same to archive at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The minimum time limit for settlement is 10 working days.
  • (iii) In case that the signature, seal and title of organization and person in charge of foreign country in dossier requested to be legalized have not officially announced or need to check the authentication, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall request the organization to certify and notify to the applicant. Right after receiving the certifying result, the Ministry of Foreign Affair settles the dossier and return the result to applicant. The minimum time limit for settlement is 10 working days.
Waiting time in queue: Min. 20mn - Max. 1h
Attention at counter: Min. 5mn - Max. 1h30mn
Waiting time until next step: Min. 1 day - Max. 5 days

Legal justification

1. Decree 111/2011/ND-CP dated 05/12/2011 by the Government on consular certification and legalization
Decree 111/2011/ND-CP dated 05/12/2011 by the Government on consular certification and legalization
articles 14, 15..
2. Circular 01/2012/TT-BNG dated 20/03/2012 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs guiding the implementation of some provisions of Decree 111/2011/ND-CP dated 05/12/2011 by the Government regarding consular legalization and certification
Circular 01/2012/TT-BNG dated 20/03/2012 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs guiding the implementation of some provisions of Decree 111/2011/ND-CP dated 05/12/2011 by the Government regarding consular legalization and certification
articles 1, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Additional information

It is assumed that this application is done at the Department of External Relations of Ho Chi Minh City; however, it can also be done at the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ha Noi. Please click here.
Alternatively, investor(s) can apply for consular legalization of documents at Vietnamese consulate offices overseas.

- Online registration form can be completed at DER office with the guidance of DER's officers. - Should authentication of documents/materials submitted for legalization be required, the applicants shall be requested to present the relevant original documents/materials and 01 copy of such documents/materials.

Who certified this information ?

Tuan Linh DOAN, Vice Director, 30/12/2014

Recourse: Department of External Relations-Ho Chi Minh City (DER)

Entity in charge

Department of External Relations-Ho Chi Minh City (DER)

6 Alexandre De Rhodes, District One , Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: +84 8 382 242 24/+84 8 382 230 55

Unit in charge

Section for Consular Affairs

Mon: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Tue: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Wed: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Thu: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Fri: 07:45-11:15, 13:15-16:00
Sat: 07:45-11:15

Person in charge

Ms Phan To QUyen

Deputy Chief
Tel: +84 8 382 242 24, ext. 404
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