
Law and norms

Forms and documents

document type goToLink New investment certificate
document type goToLink New seal
document type goToLink New seal sample registration
document type goToLink Notes to the detailed plans
Notice on land recovery
document type goToLink Notices on land recovery to holders of land use right certificates
document type goToLink Notification for participation in the EIA report evaluation meeting
document type goToLink Notification of 1/500 scale construction plan evaluation fee
document type goToLink Notification of 1/500-scaled detailed planning approval fee
document type goToLink Notification of appraisal fee of conceptual plans
document type goToLink Notification of change
document type goToLink Notification of compensation amounts and administration fee
document type goToLink Notification of conceptual plan appraisal fee
document type goToLink Notification of construction permit fee
document type goToLink Notification of construction permit fee
document type goToLink Notification of construction permit fee
document type goToLink Notification of construction permit fee
document type goToLink Notification of construction permit fee
document type goToLink Notification of construction permit fee
document type goToLink Notification of EIA report evaluation fee
document type goToLink Notification of EIA report evaluation fee
document type goToLink Notification of fee for appraisal of fire prevention and fighting of conceptual plans
document type goToLink Notification of fee for approval of 1/500 construction plan
document type goToLink Notification of fee for construction certificate (DoC)
document type goToLink Notification of fee for construction permit
document type goToLink Notification of fee for construction permit (BEZA 1)
document type goToLink Notification of fee for construction permit (BEZA 1)
document type goToLink Notification of fee for construction permit (BEZA)
document type goToLink Notification of fee for construction permit (BEZA)
document type goToLink Notification of fee for EIA report evaluation
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