
Law and norms

Forms and documents

document type goToLink ID card of authorized Vietnamese person
document type goToLink ID card of authorized Vietnamese person
document type goToLink lightBulb Idenitification card of person applying for the legalization
document type goToLink Information on Government's policies and regulations on land recovery, compensation and resettlement
document type goToLink Information on potential land plot(s)
document type goToLink Inventory of property (out)
document type goToLink Inventory of property on land
document type goToLink Investment Certificate
document type goToLink Investment Certificate
document type goToLink Investment Certificate (IPC 1)
document type goToLink Investment Certificate (IPC)
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-5
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-16
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-4
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-4
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-5
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-6
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-6
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-7
document type Investment certificate amendment application form I-7
document type Investment certificate application form
document type Investment certificate application form I-3
document type Investment certificate application form I-3
document type Investment certirficate amendment application form I-16
document type goToLink Investment intent approval
document type goToLink Investment intent approval
document type goToLink Investment intent approval
document type goToLink Investment intent approval
document type goToLink lightBulb Investment project feasibility study report
document type goToLink lightBulb Investment Project Proposal
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