
Law and norms

Forms and documents

document type goToLink Feasibility study report
document type goToLink Finalized conceptual plans
document type goToLink Finalized conceptual plans
document type goToLink Finalized conceptual plans
document type goToLink Finalized conceptual plans
document type goToLink Finalized conceptual plans (DoC)
document type goToLink FInalized EIA report
document type goToLink Finalized EIA report
document type goToLink Finalized EIA report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Finalized EIA report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Finalized EIA report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Finalized EIA report in compliant with the Evaluation Council's comments
document type goToLink Finalized EIA report on CD rom
document type goToLink Finalized EIA report on CD rom
document type goToLink FInalized EIA report on CD rom
document type goToLink Finalized EIA report submission cover letter
document type goToLink Finalized initial sketch plans (BEZA)
document type goToLink Finalized mine reclamation and rehabilitation plan
document type goToLink Finalized mine reclamation and rehabilitation plan on CD rom
document type goToLink Finalized technical specifications of conceptual plans
document type goToLink Finalized technical specifications of conceptual plans
document type goToLink Financial ability report
document type goToLink Financial ability report
document type goToLink Financial plan for increased production capacity
document type goToLink Fire prevention and fighting plans with DOC endorsement stamp
document type goToLink Fire Protection and Fighting Plan Approval
document type goToLink Fire Protection and Fighting Plan Approval
document type goToLink Fire protection and fighting pllan certificate
First result
document type goToLink Formal comments on the initial sketch plans
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