
Law and norms

Forms and documents

document type goToLink Master plan of Nhon Hoi Economic Zone
document type Mine reclamation plan
document type goToLink Minutes of 1/500-scaled planning meeting
document type goToLink Minutes of consultation meetings with affected landholders
document type goToLink Minutes of council meeting on land compensation, resettlement and clearance plan
document type goToLink Minutes of EIA evaluation council meeting
document type goToLink Minutes of EIA report evaluation meeting
document type goToLink Minutes of EIA report evaluation meeting
document type goToLink Minutes of EIA report evaluation meeting
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting at on-site title plans and boundaries verification (out)
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting of Council of Members on company conversion
document type Minutes of meeting of EIA evaluation council (DONRE)
document type Minutes of meeting of EIA evaluation council (DONRE)
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting of visit to land sites
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting on EIA report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting on site visit
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting to evaluate compensation and resettlement plan
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting to evaluate compensation and resettlement plan
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting to evaluate compensation and resettlement plan
document type goToLink Minutes of meeting to evaluate compensation and resettlement plan
document type goToLink MInutes of meeting with local community
document type Minutes of on-site boundary approval meeting
document type goToLink Minutes of on-site title plans verification
document type Minutes of on-site title plans verification (BEZA)
document type goToLink Minutes of on-site title plans verification meeting
document type goToLink MOU for land reservation
MOU for land reservation
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