
Law and norms

Forms and documents

document type goToLink Economic tecnical explanatory exposition
document type goToLink Economic zone master plan
document type goToLink Economical-technical report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Economical-technical report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Economical-technical report (DoC)
document type EIA report
document type EIA report
document type EIA report
Electronic receipt of investment certificate application
document type goToLink Endorsed 1/50 - 1/200 scaled fire protection and fighting plans
document type goToLink Endorsed 1/50 - 1/200 scaled fire protection and fighting plans
document type goToLink Endorsed 1/50 - 1/200 scaled fire protection and fighting plans
Endorsed detailed construction plans
document type goToLink Endorsed detailed construction plans
document type goToLink Endorsed detailed construction plans (printed on A1- or A2-sized paper)
document type goToLink Endorsed detailed construction plans (printed on A1- or A2-sized paper)
document type goToLink Endorsed detailed construction plans (printed on A1- or A2-sized paper)
document type goToLink Endorsed EIA report
document type goToLink Endorsed environment impact assessment report
document type goToLink Endorsed environment impact assessment report
document type goToLink Endorsed environment impact assessment report
document type goToLink Endorsed environment impact assessment report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Endorsed environment impact assessment report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Endorsed environment impact assessment report (BEZA)
document type goToLink Endorsed environment protection commitment
document type goToLink Endorsed environment protection plan
document type goToLink Endorsed finalized conceptual plans
document type goToLink Endorsed finalized conceptual plans (printed on A1- or A2-sized paper)
Endorsed technical designs
document type goToLink Endorsed technical designs (printed on A1- or A2-sized paper)
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